Our mission is to catalyze unprecedented resources for the advancement of women and girls in the south.

Women are a fast-rising force in philanthropy. More women are making their own fortunes than ever before and women are also exercising growing leadership in family philanthropy, shaping how wealth made by spouses or earlier generations is given away. Women are also emerging as the top networkers and catalysts in modern philanthropy, bringing people together to mobilize huge resources for different causes.
Too often, though, the quiet power of women philanthropic leaders is overlooked. Again and again, famous rich men are afforded the lion's share of the credit for big gifts or initiatives actually masterminded by their wives or daughters. Meanwhile, some of the most influential networkers in philanthropy operate well outside the limelight. That has to change—not just because it's unfair, but because to understand today's big philanthropy, you need to know the women who are so often behind the new mega giving.”

Women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours, produce half of the world’s food, yet earn only 10% of the world’s income and own less than 1% of the world’s property.
According to the United Nations, one of every three women on the planet will be physically or sexually abused in her lifetime.
Women and girls suffer disproportionally from the burden of extreme poverty- they make up 70% of the 1 billion people living on less than a dollar a day.
While women comprise 51% of the population, they make up only 15.7% of Fortune 500 boards of directors, less than 10% of California tech company boards, and 9.1% of Silicon Valley boards.